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Which division is right for my player?


T-Ball (U7)
2025 Fee - $90

6-7 year olds
*** League age is determined by the player's age as of August 31, 2025.

No player under league age 6 may play Little League.

Player’s league age 6 MUST play T-Ball by Little League rule. This is because children this age would be a safety issue playing against AA players up to age 8. 

Player’s league age 7  have a choice between AA (machine pitch) and T-Ball. We strongly urge parents to place league age 7 in AA IF they have played baseball before, but parents can make the  determination.

No player evaluations are held for T-Ball

 Division Info

  •  Games will be held at Fort Borst field #3 and Riverside Park
  • Games will be held Monday - Saturday for this division with teams playing 1-2 games per week
  • There is no mid-season or season ending tournament. 
  •  Score is not kept in this division. It is a developmental, learning division.
  •  There is a 2 event/ week minimum for each team
  • Games will be 75 minutes long
  • Practices may be held at Centralia Little League fields, City of Centralia fields or Centralia School District fields
  • Continuous batting order will be used, all players present will bat once per inning & all pl;Ayer’s present may play in the field on defense

Ultimately, division placement for Tee Ball, Rookies/A and Juniors/AA is up to the parent. However, if you have any questions or concerns about where your child should be placed, please email Courtney Haywood at [email protected].

Once uniform orders have been placed on February 5th 2025, NO PLAYERS will be allowed to move teams or divisions, unless there are extenuating circumstances, in which case it will need to be approved by the board.

A/ Rookies (U8) - Machine Pitch
2025 Fee - $120
7-8 year olds

***League age is determined by players age as of August 31, 2025.

Player’s league age 6  have a choice between Rookies/A and T-Ball. We strongly urge parents to place league age 7 in AA IF they have played baseball before 

Players league age 7 have a choice between Rookies/A and Juniors/AA, depending on experience and skill level. 7-8 year olds with 0-2 years of experience are encouraged to play Rookies / A, while 7 year olds with 3 years of experience are encouraged to play Juniors / AA. Most 7 year olds will play A.

8 year olds have a choice between Rookies/A, Juniors/AA and Minors/AAA. 8 year olds with 0-1 years of experience are encouraged to play Rookies/A, while 8 year olds with 2+ years of experience are encouraged to play Juniors/AA. Minors is also an option for experienced 8 year olds with 2+ years of experience, depending on skill level. However, they MUST try out and be drafted to a Minors team. Most 8 year olds will play A or AA.

Players in AA do not require an evaluation, although we highly encourage it for all players 8+. Try outs will be held January 20th at the Little League batting cages. 

If you register your player for Rookies/ A and they are asked to move up based on their try out performance, a board member will contact you for your permission to move your player up and you will receive a charge on your account for the price difference. 

Division Info 

  • Games will be held at Fort Borst field #2 & #3
  • Games will be held Monday - Saturday for this division with teams playing 2 games per week
  • There is no mid-season or season ending tournament
  •  Score is not kept in this division as it is a developmental, learning division
  •  There is a 3 event/ week minimum for each team
  • Games will be 90 minutes long
  • Practices may be held at Centralia Little League fields, City of Centralia fields or Centralia School District fields
  • There may be inter-league games with other leagues in our area (Rochester, Tenino, Chehalis), that may require travel. Although, we prefer to keep in in Centralia if possible 
  • Continuous batting order will be used with 3 outs per inning and all players present may play in field on defense

Ultimately, division placement for Tee Ball, Rookies/A and Juniors/AA is up to the parent. However, if you have any questions or concerns about where your child should be placed, please email Courtney Haywood at [email protected].

Once uniform orders have been placed on February 5th 2025, NO PLAYERS will be allowed to move teams or divisions, unless there are extenuating circumstances, in which case it will need to be approved by the board.

AA/ Juniors (U10) - Machine Pitch & Player Pitch
2025 Fee - $120

7-10 year olds
***League age is determined by players age as of August 31, 2025.

Players league age 7 have a choice between Rookies/A and Juniors/AA, depending on experience and skill level. 7 year olds with 0-2 years of experience are encouraged to play Rookies / A, while 7 year olds with 3+ years of experience are encouraged to play Juniors / AA. Most 7 year olds will play A.

8 year olds have a choice between Rookies/A, Juniors/AA and Minors/AAA. 8 year olds with 0-1 years of experience are encouraged to play Rookies/A, while 8 year olds with 1+ years of experience are encouraged to play Juniors/AA. Minors is also an option for experienced 8 year olds with 2+ years of experience, depending on skill level. However, they MUST try out and be drafted to a Minors team. Most 8 year olds will play A or AA.

Players league age 9 may play Juniors/AA, Minors/AAA or Majors. 9 year olds with 0-3 years of experience are encouraged to play Juniors/AA, while more experienced 9 year olds should register for Minors or Majors. Most 9 year olds will play AA.

Players in AA do not require an evaluation, although we highly encourage it for all players 8+. Tryouts will be held January 20th at the Little League batting cages. 

If you register your player for Juniors/ AA and they are asked to move up based on their try out performance, a board member will contact you for your permission to move your player up and you will receive a charge on your account for the price difference. 

Division Info 

  • Games will be held at Fort Borst field #2 & #3
  • Games will be held Monday - Saturday for this division with teams playing 2 games per week
  • There is no mid-season or season ending tournament
  •  Score is not kept in this division as it is a developmental, learning division
  •  There is a 3 event/ week minimum for each team
  • Games will be 90 minutes long
  • Practices may be held at Centralia Little League fields, City of Centralia fields or Centralia School District fields
  • There may be inter-league games with other leagues in our area (Rochester, Tenino, Chehalis), that may require travel. Although, we prefer to keep in in Centralia if possible 
  • Continuous batting order will be used with 3 outs per inning and all players present may play in field on defense

Ultimately, division placement for Tee Ball, Rookies/A and Juniors/AA is up to the parent. However, if you have any questions or concerns about where your child should be placed, please email Courtney Haywood at [email protected].

Once uniform orders have been placed on February 5th 2025, NO PLAYERS will be allowed to move teams or divisions, unless there are extenuating circumstances, in which case it will need to be approved by the board.

AAA/ Minors (U11) - Player Pitch
2025 Fee--$150

8-11 year olds
***Player league age is determined by age as of August 31, 2025.

8 year olds have a choice between Rookies/A, Juniors/AA and Minors/AAA. 8 year olds with 0-1 years of experience are encouraged to play Rookies/A, while 8 year olds with 2+ years of experience are encouraged to play Juniors/AA. Minors is also an option for experienced 8 year olds with 3-4 years of experience, depending on skill level. However, they MUST try out and be drafted to a Minors team. Most 8 year olds will play A or AA.

Players league age 9 may play Juniors/AA, Minors/AAA or Majors. 9 year olds with 0-3 years of experience are encouraged to play Juniors/AA, while more experienced 9 year olds should register for Minors or Majors. Most 9 year olds will play AA.

10 year olds MUST try out and will be drafted or placed accordingly. They will either be drafted to a Majors or Minors/AAA team, or assigned to a Juniors/AA team. 10 year olds with 4-5 years of experience are encouraged to register for Majors, while those with less experience should register for Minors/AAA. If your 10 year olds has little to no experience and you are concerned about them playing in the AAA division, please reach out about having them moved to AA. Most 10 year olds, with experience, will play Minors/AAA.

11 year olds MUST try out and will be drafted or placed accordingly. They will be drafted to either a Majors or Minors/AAA team. 11 year olds with 5-6 years of experience are encouraged to register for Majors, while those with less experience should register for Minors/AAA. Extremely experienced 11 year olds may register for Intermediate, but it is discouraged. Most 11’s will play AAA or Majors.

If your player is 10+ OR they wish to participate in Minors/AAA, it is MANDATORY for them to participate in tryouts. Players that are under the age of 10 and do not wish to play AAA or Majors do not require a tryout, although we highly encourage it for all players 8+. Tryouts will be held January 20th at the Centralia Little League batting cages. Keep an eye on your emails for the time and details.

If you register your player for Minors and they are not drafted to a Minors team, you will receive an email notifying you of their division change and a refund will be sent for the difference in division prices. If your player was drafted to a higher division, a board member will contact you for your permission and to move your player up and your will receive a charge on your account for the price difference.

Division Info 

  • Home games will be held at Fort Borst field #1, Dick Scott field, but expect the possibility of travel to Chehalis, Tenino, Rochester and Tumwater
  • Games will be held Monday - Saturday for this division with teams playing 2 games per week
  •  There is a 4 event/ week minimum for each team
  • Practices may be held at Centralia Little League fields, City of Centralia fields or Centralia School District fields
  • Game length will be no new inning after 1 hr. and 45 minutes.  
  • A half inning ends when the offense scores 3 runs OR the defense makes 3 outs
  • Continuous batting order will be used

If you have any questions regarding registration, please email Courtney Haywood at [email protected].

Majors (U12)
2025 Fee-- $170

9-12 year olds
***A player's league age is determined by age as of August 31, 2025--no player league age 13 can play Majors or below. 

Players league age 9 may play Juniors/AA, Minors/AAA or Majors. 9 year olds with 0-3 years of experience are encouraged to play Juniors/AA, while more experienced 9 year olds should register for Minors or Majors. Most 9 year olds will play AA.

10 year olds MUST try out and will be drafted or placed accordingly. They will either be drafted to a Majors or Minors/AAA team, or assigned to a Juniors/AA team. 10 year olds with 4-5 years of experience are encouraged to register for Majors, while those with less experience should register for Minors/AAA. If your 10 year olds has little to no experience and you are concerned about them playing in the AAA division, please reach out about having them moved to AA. Most 10 year olds will play Minors/AAA.

11 year olds MUST try out and will be drafted or placed accordingly. They will be drafted to either a Majors or Minors/AAA team. 11 year olds with 5-6 years of experience are encouraged to register for Majors, while those with less experience should register for Minors/AAA. Extremely experienced 11 year olds may register for Intermediate, but it is discouraged. Most 11’s will play AAA or Majors.

League age 12 year olds MUST try out and will be drafted accordingly, with the options being Majors or Intermediate. 12 year olds will not play in a lower division than majors, unless deemed a safety hazard due to inexperience. If you have a concern about your 12 year old playing in the Majors division, please reach out. Most 12 year olds should register for Majors, as only very experienced 12’s will be considered for Intermediate or Juniors.

Dual rostering on Majors and Intermediate is an option.

If your player is 10+ OR they wish to participate in Majors, it is MANDATORY for them to participate in tryouts. Players that are under age 10 and do not wish to play AAA or Majors do not require a tryout, although we highly encourage it for all players 8+. Tryouts will be held January 20th at the Centralia Little League batting cages. Keep an eye on your emails for the time and details.

If you register your player for Majors and they are not drafted to a Majors team, you will receive an email notifying you of their division change and a refund will be sent for the difference in division prices. If your player was drafted to a higher division, a board member will contact you for your permission and to move your player up.

Division Info 

  • Home games will be held at Fort Borst field #1, Dick Scott field, but expect the possibility of travel to Chehalis, Tenino, Rochester and Tumwater
  • Games will be held Monday - Saturday for this division with teams playing 2 games per week
  •  There is a 4 event/ week minimum for each team
  • Practices may be held at Centralia Little League fields, City of Centralia fields or Centralia School District fields
  • Game length will be no new inning after 1 hr. and 45 minutes.  
  • Continuous batting order will be used

If you have any questions regarding registration, please email Courtney Haywood at [email protected].

Intermediate (U13) - 50/70
2025 fee— $200

11-13 year olds
***Player league age is determined by age as of August 31, 2025.

11 year olds MUST try out and will be drafted or placed accordingly. They will be drafted to either a Majors or Minors/AAA team. 11 year olds with 5-6 years of experience are encouraged to register for Majors, while those with less experience should register for Minors/AAA. Extremely experienced 11 year olds may register for Intermediate, but it is discouraged. Most 11’s will play AAA or Majors.

League age 12 year olds MUST try out and will be drafted accordingly, with the options being Majors or Intermediate. 12 year olds will not play in a lower division than majors, unless deemed a safety hazard. Only very experienced 12 year olds should register for Intermediate or Juniors and are strongly encourage to register for Majors.

13 year olds MUST try out and will be drafted accordingly to either a Intermediate or Junior team. Most 13’s will play Intermediate. 

Dual rostering is an option.

Division Info 

  • Home games will be held at the Fort Borst softball field, but expect travel to other leagues in our district; Chehalis, Tenino, Rochester, Tumwater, Aberdeen, Elma, Montesano, South Beach, William Harbor and Oakville 
  • Games will be held Monday - Saturday for this division with teams playing 2-3 games per week
  • Double headers on Saturdays are a possibility 
  • Practices may be held at Centralia Little League fields, City of Centralia fields or Centralia School District fields
  • Game length will be no new inning after 2 hrs  
  • Continuous batting order will be used
  • Players in this division will be learning advance baseball skills-sliding, stealing, leading off, bunting. It is a designed to be a transition to high school baseball


Junior (U14) - 60/90
2024 fees--$200

12-14 year olds
***A player's league age is determined by age as of August 31, 2025

League age 12 year olds MUST try out and will be drafted accordingly, with the options being Majors or Intermediate. 12 year olds will not play in a lower division than majors, unless deemed a safety hazard. Only very experienced 12 year olds should register for Intermediate or Juniors and are strongly encourage to register for Majors. 12’s may dual roster. 

13 year olds MUST try out and will be drafted accordingly to either a Intermediate or Junior team. Most 13’s will play Intermediate. 13’s may dual roster.

League age 14 year olds MUST try out to be eligible for the draft, but only have the option of playing in the Junior division. 

Division Info 

  • Expect travel to other leagues in our district and nearby districts; Chehalis, Tenino, Rochester, Tumwater, Aberdeen, Elma, Montesano, South Beach, William Harbor and Oakville 
  • Games will be held Monday - Saturday for this division with teams playing 2-3 games per week
  • Double headers on Saturdays are a possibility 
  • Practices may be held at Centralia Little League fields, City of Centralia fields or Centralia School District fields
  • Game length will be no new inning after 2 hrs  
  • Continuous batting order will be used
  • Players in this division will be learning advance baseball skills-sliding, stealing, leading off, bunting. It is a designed to be a transition to high school baseball
  • Possibility of playing some games against local Babe Ruth and PONY league teams
  • Possibility of mid-season tournament 


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